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We are a grassroots group that has come together to stand for medical freedom, religious freedom, and seek truth from the medical world. Our group includes employees whose were terminated based on Covid 19 vaccine mandates, families who have lost loved ones who were placed on Remdesivir in hospitals, as well as people that have been targeted by medical giants pushing for gender reassignment surgeries.

Salinas Valley Health
Fires Unvaccinated
Healthcare Workers


We're going to trial and our clients need your help!


On April 14, 2025, 26 God fearing patriots take on Salinas Valley Health (SVH) in trial. Salinas Valley Health refused to provide religious accommodation for our clients who refused the COVID Shot!  

Justice for Kaiser Employees

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Over 400 Kaiser employees have filed a lawsuit against this medical giant for unlawful termination due to Covid 19 mandates

CHOMP Hospital Fires Unvaccinated
Healthcare Workers

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36 employees sue CHOMP Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula for wrongful discharge

Legal Support Rady Children's Hospital RN and HCWs


41 former employees at Rady Children’s Hospital take legal action for religious discrimination

HLPUSD Freedom Fighters


HLPUSD teachers and staff who have been DENIED their Religious or Medical Exemptions take legal action.

Justice for LAUSD Employees!


LAUSD employees who were  DENIED their Religious or Medical Exemptions  take legal action.

Stanford Health Care Workers for Medical Freedom

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During the pandemic the healthcare workers were hailed as heroes. Now, Stanford management suspends them or fires them because of their religious beliefs.

SDRC Freedom Fighters for Justice

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On Friday, October 15, 2021 six employees left the office for the last time. San Diego Regional Center for the Developmentally Disabled, a state-funded social service agency, “Terminated” their employment.  

Valley Water Denied Vaccine Religious Exempitons

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The Santa Clara Valley Water District mandated the Covid-19 vaccine and refused to give staff religious exemptions. After years (some even decades) of public service, individuals lost their jobs and retirement.

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